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Scripturally Based Answers For life's Questions

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When it comes to abortion, there are a couple of questions that must be answered.

1. Where does life come from?


Babies are the fruit of a sexual relationship between a man and a woman (According to God it must be in the covenant of marriage), but life is not fruit or even the offspring of human relations; it is from God, given by Him. When a baby is stillborn, is it because the parents have no life? No. They were never able to give life to the baby. God is the giver of life. (Click-Genesis 2:7; Click-Job 27:3; Click-Job 33:4;

Click-Acts 17:25)

2. When does life begin?


There is always the question about where life actually begins, at birth or at conception. There are those who would believe that it is somewhere in between those two, but that only confuses things, which is often the intention. Based on God’s word, life begins at conception.

(Click-Jeremiah 1:5; Click-Hosea 12:3; Click-Isaiah 46:3;

Click-Psalm 58:3; Click-Job 10:18)

3. Who is in charge of life


Jesus said in Click-John 10:17, 18 that He has the power to both, give His life and to take it again. The Bible is very clear that life is given by God, and death is a consequence, not a choice. People die because of sin; they should not take death into their own hands. Click-Acts 3:15 says that God is the author of life. God takes life very seriously; He will defend His position as the author of life.


Now, to consider these three aspects, abortion is man taking the place of God. He has given to mankind the privilege to reproduce what they are (Click-John 3:6) but to take life into our own hands, or to claim that life is something that comes through birth, is an act against God. 

If you want to have Christ in your heart, Trust Him and Believe in Him

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