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Scripturally Based Answers For life's Questions
“I believe in God” or “I don’t believe in God” are phrases that are used a lot. There is also a lot of discussion, dispute and reasoning among people, especially religious people, about: who God is, what he is called and simply just what he is. There are a lot of religious people who are divided concerning what they call God, or the one they believe to be God. If we want to clarify the confusion and division concerning “God,” we must address what the word “God” means. Who or what are we referring to when we refer to “God”? I am not talking about what people believe they are referring to when they make reference to God, but in actuality, separate from belief, what does “God” mean?
For example, if I would refer to people in a general sense, whether I believe there actually are people or I do not believe that they actually exist, there is a substance and meaning to the word “people.” There could be a lot of discussion about where they came from, what they are, what rights they have, etc. But all that does not change what the word “people” is referencing when it is being used.
Now, when a religious person and a non-religious person both reference “people,” it does not change what they are referencing. Their personal beliefs don’t change what the word means or what stands behind the usage of the word. It does not change what people are or whether or not they exist. All that is completely separate from what stands behind the word. It is the same with “God.”. There is a basic meaning of the word, and there is a truth and reality that stands behind the word. The word cannot just be imaginary, it has to be rooted in reality for it to have any meaning. Like the word “people.” The word did not bring people into existence; people brought the word. There would be no meaning to the word without the reality behind it. It would not even be a word if it was not referencing a reality. It would be called a mumble, not a word.
What does the word “God” mean? It means “supreme being,” one that is above all. There are people who claim that they do not believe in God, and by making such a claim they declare that they do not believe there is a being that is supreme, a being that is superior to all other beings. If this is our belief then we cannot believe that any being is superior or supreme over any other. All beings would have to be completely equal. A human being would be completely equal to a bug, ant, lice, etc. Equal in all aspects, such as authority, ability, rights, wants. For if one being is greater in one or more aspects then there is without question the greatest one, the supreme being. People can also believe that they are God, the ones that are superior to all other existence. In such cases, a person does believe in God, he just believes that he is the one. My question is this, if people as a whole are indeed God, then why are we so incomplete, so insufficient, so empty within? Why are we looking for greater, for more and for fulfillment in life? To lack, to long, to wonder, to search, to have questions without answers all confirm that the top is still undiscovered; there is more, we are subject to a supreme being, or supreme beings. The one that is the very epitome of life and all existence cannot and does not lack, wonder, or search for more. Such a one cannot be tempted. To believe we are God, or gods, is senseless, and to say there is no God is not only making all beings equal but all things. The greatest person is completely equal with the dust he steps on. To claim otherwise is to claim superiority and such a claim confirms the existence of God.
Creation simply declares a Creator, and that is what God is. I remember speaking to a man some years ago and he said to me, “I don’t believe in your God, I believe in the Creator.” I asked him if his God was anything other than simply Creator. He said, “He is just the Creator.” I said to him that God is the very source of all existence, supreme and superior in all aspects of life and what makes it function. To make Him only Creator, to categorize Him in such matter is not believing in Him as the Creator. I asked him, “Are you not creating a god to your liking that does not interfere in your life, especially in your sin?” I said to him, you believe you are the creator, you create yourself a god to your liking. He is the Creator, yes, but He did not just create and then vanish. He most assuredly is the Creator, but to strip Him of all other characteristics and solely making Him a Creator is actually creating Him instead of accepting Him as the Creator.
Clik-Ecclesiastes 12:1.
Click-Isaiah 40:28.
To create means to make something out of nothing. That is what God does, yes, there is the universe that He created, but that is only to show that He indeed is presently still the Creator. Not only is all creation subject to Him, but all things that could be are likewise subject to Him.
Click-II Corinthians 5:17 says, “If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.”
Not only can He recreate what He once created, but He can cause things that have come from His creation to pass away, making them like they never were. He will do that with the universe at the end of time, but it is important for individuals to know that He does it with people presently. People who have a difficult past can come to Him and have it wiped clean. He is the Creator; creation is not a final product to Him; it is a continuous work. There are gods that can shape, form and even change things that are created, but they cannot make things pass away or recreate anything. God is supreme for all of creation and the possibility of creation is subject to Him.
God of gods
There are many religious groups that claim that their God is the true God. When it comes to the matter of how we approach God, how He declares Himself, What He does, etc. we can have discussions concerning the matter and differ in our beliefs, but to claim that our God is the true God is in reality only referencing an imaginary god. For God, the supreme being is not a God of a particular religion or “God” to specific people. If there is such a being, such a god, he is not the supreme being, for the one that is superior to all other, the one that is indeed God cannot and will not be less than “God” over all matters. To claim the supreme being to be our God, the God of our people and our religion is only to make a god that is less than who “God” has to be to be God. This is why God declares Himself to be the God of gods.
Click-Deuteronomy 10:17.
This was not the God of Israel making this claim, it was just simply God. Those who claim that their specific God is the true God and that He does not exist separate from their faith, their religion, their belief and that God himself is subject to them have only made a god in their imagination that is a god that is under the supreme being. The Almighty God is God over your god.
Self-Existing One
The God in the Bible often refers to Himself as Jehovah. The name means the “Existing one” or “the self-existing one”. It declares that God does exist, but not just that He exists, for the simple fact that He speaks does that, but also that He is indeed self-existent. He does not exist because people believe He does or support Him in that fact, but He does so without any support or declaration thereof. In other words, He is a person that is and would be no matter what. Even if no one would even believe in Him or even acknowledge Him, He would be who He is and do what He does.
Click-Hebrews 11:6
What God wants people to know is the truth that He is, and He wants them to acknowledge it, receive it as fact and then come to Him for all their needs and direction. People take their own existence for granted, if anyone would question it they would be fully offended, yet God exists on His own without being created; He does not have to be acknowledged to fully and completely be. We are completely subject to a Creator; unless they are being spoken of, the idea of people does not even occur. People’s existence is completely subject to being acknowledged, brought into being and drawing life from their Creator. God stands alone but wants to be acknowledged and His being taken for granted.
God demonstrates His self-sufficiency in His Word. He illustrated in the trinity that He is within His own person all He ever needs to be, to be fully satisfied and complete; He does not need. He not only declares that He is all He needs to be for Himself, but that He is also everything that people need. This is expressed in the person of Jesus Christ.
There are seven appetites that all people have, and they are also the seven things Jesus declared Himself to be in the Scriptures. As one sees every appetite described, how Jesus is the very one who can satisfy that appetite is also described.
The appetites express two things: the insufficiency of mankind, and the sufficiency of God.
People have a hunger, craving and longing that can never be satisfied with anything that comes from people, from this world or creation as a whole.
People know that there is more to life than what they are experiencing, they know that they can never produce anything that will satisfy them once and for all.
There are appetites that cry continuously, and the more they are fed the more they cry. The lesson is simple: man is insufficient of himself. The appetites are not there for people to try to figure out what to do with them or how to deal with them, but they are there to express the fact that people are insufficient of themselves and have no way to attain such status.
People are not the end-all. If people were the supreme beings of and in this universe, life would be very sad, for no person has ever been able to attain a continuous state of satisfaction or the power to overcome his own need. If the supreme being of life is so insufficient, unable to attain and maintain his very own needs, then life should be avoided at all cost. Then, the grave is the only thing that satisfies. Those who do not learn the reason for their insufficiency and where to find fulfillment will come to a place where the grave looks like the only place to find any relief and satisfaction. But, the very appetite that expresses their insufficiency also expresses the sufficiency of God, especially in Jesus Christ.
Human pride seeks self-sufficiency, but those who humble themselves will learn that the very thing they long for, they can find in Jesus Christ. Who God is, and what He does not only articulates His sufficiency but also man’s insufficiency.
By seeing people’s needs one can understand what Jesus is and what He provides for people. What Jesus is, is lacking in people, and those who humbly come to Him will have their needs fulfilled. God is not only self-sufficient, finding all He needs for Himself in Himself, but also all-sufficient, being everything people need.
This is manifested in the person of Jesus Christ. The seven appetites people have are the seven things Jesus manifested Himself to be. People relish in feeding their appetites, and many organizations and programs have been designed to try to keep them in check. However, the message that God has sent to all mankind through their appetites must be considered. People pass through life and into eternity never considering what God is telling them about life and how to have it.
The issues people have with God is that they themselves are not Him, and the issues they have with what He offers is that they cannot produce it themselves. They want what He offers, but they do not like the fact that it comes from Him. People are naturally enemies of God. Click-Galatians 5:17 It’s people’s very flesh that keeps them from doing as they please, but the next verse gives the solution. “But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law.” Those who follow the Spirit will be released from such restrictions. Those who run from God run into failure, and those who run to Him are delivered from it.
Click-Isaiah 40:28
Click-Isaiah 26:1-4,
Where does God come from? Who created Him? Where did he begin? These questions are asked, but to understand God at any level declares Him to be eternal. That is His very nature. Time is only something that is taken out of eternity to understand that there is eternity, for if time had its beginning as time it would be eternity. If one follows time in either direction one ends up in eternity, which is the very presence of God. God is and all paths lead to Him, for that is what declares the fact that He is indeed the supreme being.
¿What does God call Himself?
The Creator