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Scripturally Based Answers For life's Questions

Thinking Man
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Answer – Overcoming Laziness

Laziness is a huge issue in the world, and if it is simply laziness that a person is struggling with, then he simply needs to repent and start working. Every person should have a drive and desire to work, but work can also be dreadful and hard. It is not just something we desire to do, it is our responsibility, or duty, our calling etc. The Bible 

Click-II Thessalonians 3:10.


The Bible says a lot about the matter of work versus laziness, and there is no way to address all of it in one article, but let’s look at some Scriptures, and then we will give a list of things to consider in relation to the issue of laziness.


Click-Proverbs 13:4        Click-Colossians 3:23       Click-Proverbs 10:4


Work is not so much about doing the job as it is about exercising one’s gifts and fulfilling one’s calling. There are many people that hate their job, and it is simply because they are not doing what they are gifted in doing, or called to do. This also results in them not being good at the work. God calls every person to a particular work and then gifts them to do that work sufficiently and with joy.

Click-Romans 11:29


When a person is not healthy, or is doing something that he is not physically able to do well, then the desire to do it is lost. It is good to do all one can do to take care of one’s health, and one should seek work that is fitting to one’s ability.


The Bible speaks about drowsiness and tiredness, and both will remove the desire to work from a person, but they stem from opposite things. Tiredness comes from working, and drowsiness comes from not working. For an example, when a person sleeps too long, he will not feel like working. He will feel like he is tired, but he is actually just drowsy from sleeping too much. The less a person works, the less he feels like working, and he will feel like he is too tired, but starting to work will actually fix the issue.   


To every job there is a purpose and every person has a purpose in every work he works in, and there is a great reward in finishing something. Those who just work for pay from their boss miss the idea behind work. Pay is a secondary thing; work is actually about fulfilling one’s purpose in the work and enjoying the reward of finishing a job.


It takes no character and responsibility to be lazy. When a person simply bases his attempt to work on his feelings, he is an irresponsible person that has bad character. Good people do all they can to work. 


Click-Proverbs 24:30-34 


The world turns into a broken-down, messy dump around lazy people. It takes character and responsibility from people to care for things. 


Click-Proverbs 29:18 There are people that do not see any opportunity. They are just waiting for something to come their way. When there are no jobs advertised, then they believe that there are none, but that is a lack of vision. Those who want to work and have somewhat of a vision will always find ways to work.


I will give an example. I was speaking with a group of young men in a collage, and they told me that they were not working. I ask them why, and they told me that they could not find jobs. I told them that they should go to a work place, offer to work for a couple of weeks for free, and then work really hard. Most people that would do this would have a job after. Business owners are always looking for hard-working people, but they do not want to hire everyone to just test them, especially when there is a lack of work. But someone that is so committed and determine to find a job, and is working hard is worth keeping even if that means letting someone else go. 


Laziness makes people feel useless and worthless, and work brings fulfillment and joy. Work makes life sweet. The following are a couple verses that describe that.   


Click-Proverbs 12:24       Click-Proverbs 12:27     Click-Ecclesiastes 5:12

Gifts and callings

Gifts and callings

Health and ability

Health and ability

Drowsiness and tiredness

Drowsiness and tiredness

Purpose and reward

Purpose and reward

Character and responsibility

Character and responsibility

Opportunity and vision

Opportunity and vision

Fulfillment and enjoyment

Fulfillment and enjoyment

If you want to have Christ in your heart, Trust Him and Believe in Him

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