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Scripturally Based Answers For life's Questions

Answer (Why Would God Not Answer My Prayer) (2)Why would God not answer my prayer
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Answer-¿Why would God not answer my prayer?

This is a question that many people ask and have no answer for. According to the Word of God, there are a few reasons that God does not answer. Let’s consider them.








Click-John 9:31 

There are people who are devoted in their religion, but they have never been born again. The only nature they have is one of a sinner, and because of that God does not answer them. 










Click-Proverbs 15:29, 

Click-Proverbs 15:8,  










Faith is essential in prayer. God says that any request brought to Him without faith will not be received or considered.


Click-James 1:5-8,


Click-Hebrews 11:6,










God will only answer prayers that are prayed within the confines of His will. 


Click-I John 5:12-15










God does not honor anything that is done half-heartedly. He gives examples of the devotion, sincerity, and commitment that is required for Him to answer. This does not mean that a person has to beg God, it just means that God does not work with people who are not serious about wanting Him.

Click-Luke 18:1-8,










When we ask God for things that will feed our fleshly lust and help our carnal ways, like trying to use God’s power, possessions and blessing to show our pride to those around us, God surely will not answer.


Click-James 4:1-4,

God does answer prayer and wants to answer your prayer, but we must come to Him His way. He wants to have a relationship with you so badly that He died for you on the cross. If you are willing to repent and believe solely in Him for your hope and salvation, He will hear you. That is where a life of prayer begins. If you are already a born-again believer, and you feel that God is not answering you, please keep trusting Him and make sure you are not praying selfishly or have sin in your life. And trust Him by faith.  







God’s will

 God’s will



Fleshly lust

Fleshly lust

If you want to have Christ in your heart, Trust Him and Believe in Him

© 2024
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